Compliments, Feedback & Complaints Policy

The Assisting Communities through Direct Connection (ACDC) project is an initiative of Community Mental Health Australia (CMHA) and as such is governed by its policies and procedures.

CMHA is committed to providing a fair and accessible compliments, feedback and complaints process for all people accessing CMHA funded programs or projects, and for members of the public, donors, volunteers, partners, funders and external organisations.


This CMHA management policy outlines the expectation clients of CMHA funded programs, members of the public, donors, volunteers, partners, funders and external organisations, collectively referred to as “our People”, regarding privacy and confidentiality.

Compliments, Feedback and Complaints

CMHA welcomes compliments and feedback on the quality of services provided, and information about how to improve services. CMHA is committed to providing individuals with the best and most appropriate services


CMHA respects the right of the person giving the compliment, feedback, or making a complaint to confidentiality. All compliments, feedback and complaints are treated as confidential by default, and the person making the complaint may choose to be identified if they wish.

CMHA takes reasonable steps to respect the confidentiality of the person giving the compliment, feedback or making a complaint by ensuring that only people directly involved in the complaint, helping to resolve it or completing a risk assessment have access to the information about the complaint and that only information that is necessary and lawful is collected.


If you wish to make a complaint about any provision of service funded by CMHA, please complete the form at ‘Contact us’ at

If a translator or interpreting service is needed to assist with completing the contact form call the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 13 14 50 and ask them to call CMHA on 1300 319 015. This is a messaging service, so please ask the translator to leave a message including the language we should call you back with.

Your name and contact details are required so that we can discuss your complaint with you. All complaints will be treated confidentially. The lodging of a complaint will not compromise your ability to access services funded by CMHA

What happens when I complain?

The following steps usually occur once a complaint has been made, through to the matter being resolved.

  • You will be contacted by a staff member to discuss the complaint. Tell the person you talk to how you think the issue may be resolved.
  • A staff member will keep you updated about how the complaint investigation is going.
  • The staff member will talk to everyone else involved in the complaint to get their point of view.
  • A decision is made based on the investigation of the complaint.
  • The outcome of the complaint investigation will be discussed with you.
  • The complaint and the outcome will be recorded in the CMHA Complaints Register

If you are not happy with the outcome of your complaint, you can ask for the CEO to review your complaint. If you remain unhappy about the outcome of your complaint after further investigation the complaint can be taken to an external organisation that deals with complaints such as:

  • The Ombudsman in each state or territory
  • National Disability Insurance Agency

Further information

If you have any questions or need further information about how to give a compliment, feedback, or to make a complaint, contact us at:

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of an investigation into a complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner at


This policy is to be reviewed in May 2024.


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