ACDC Project Survey

Community Wellbeing and Support Needs Survey 

This survey seeks to understand the mental health, wellbeing, and other support needs within your community. Only summary information—never your personal responses—may be shared with local organisations, service providers, and government bodies to help enhance the support available.

Key points about consenting to this survey:
• The Human Research and Ethics Committee at the University of Western Australia has approved this research.
• All information given will be treated confidentially and remain private.
• All information is securely stored.
• You have the right to choose not to answer any question that we come to. Just skip to the next question, or select ‘prefer not to say’.
• If you change your mind and no longer want to participate in the survey, you can do so at any time up until the survey is completed (although after it is submitted, we will be unable to identify your response, and your responses cannot be deleted).

Any feedback or complaints may be made in writing to the Centre for Social Impact by emailing If you are not happy with the response of the researchers, you can contact the Human Ethics office at the University of Western Australia on (08) 6488 4703, or by emailing If you would like a copy of this information, or a more comprehensive explanation of what has been outlined above, please ask for a paper copy, or review the ACDC Project website –

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