Why did you want to be a People Connector with the ACDC Project? 

Luci: I love getting involved in the community and one of my favourite things is talking about mental health and wellbeing, so this project really appealed to me.

James: Talking, listening, engaging and helping people to solve problems is what I enjoy doing anywhere I find myself. I wanted to be a People Connector with the ACDC Project because their purpose and overall benefits align with what I believe a person, organisation, government and other agencies should do for the people they care about in the community.

How have you found door knocking in George Town so far?

Luci: It’s been great to connect with the locals of George Town and get their opinions on where things can be improved and what are the barriers to wellness in their local community.

James: Door knocking in George Town for me has been very interesting because it is not very different from the experiences I have had in various sectors. It also increases my confidence in relating with householders of various cultural and religious beliefs.

What is one of the best things about your job as a People Connector?

Luci: Working as a team with people who are passionate about helping others and getting to meet different people every day. No two days are the same and I think that’s what I enjoy most about this project.

James: One of the best things about my job as a People Connector is my ability to listen to householders’ stories and connect them with the resources/services that could help them in solving their unmet needs.

How do you think the ACDC Project will help people in George Town?

Luci: George Town is a beautiful community and I think everyone wants to help each other where they can. Hopefully, the project will assist in connecting people to each other and improving access to services that people may not have known about. As well as raising awareness about social and emotional wellbeing, things have been tough for everyone during the pandemic, and it may encourage people to check in on their neighbours, friends and family and make sure everyone is doing ok.

James: The ACDC Project will really benefit the people of George Town if they are able to connect to free services available on the provided resource materials. Also, if the data and information gathered are used to advocate for more services that will benefit people.

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