Q: What does being a People Connector for the ACDC Project mean to you?
Natalie: “Being a people connector has been a great opportunity for me to engage with people within our community and be able to offer support and assistance. This project feels like I’m actually contributing first hand to something that I believe will make a difference in terms of starting conversations about mental health and wellbeing and also providing the tools needed to access services for the individual or their loved ones.”
Serani: “Being a people connector means I can actively be involved in the betterment of individual and community wellness. It allows me to promote positive mental health processes and highlights the value of self-care.”
Q: What is one of the best things about your job?
Natalie: “Being outside in the fresh air and having meaningful interactions with people who might be struggling.”
Serani: “I really enjoy being out in the community and connecting with different people while creating an opportunity for people to be better supported.”
Q: How do you think the ACDC Project will help people in your local community
Natalie: “I believe it will provide resources for people to access local services and also be a conversation starter for residents around mental health support and wellbeing. My hope is that our data collection will lead to an increase in funding for community services.”
Serani: “I think the ACDC Project will be beneficial to build awareness of the local services and available support. I feel that it helps to reduce the barriers by way of connecting with people that might not otherwise reach out for support. I think it also creates opportunity for self-reflection and a time to consider the social and emotional wellbeing of individuals, the household and a broader community. I feel it can have a significant impact on assisting the community in the long term, in relation to the benefits that come with high lighting the needs of the community through the collation of valuable data.”
Q: What does positive mental health look like for you personally?
Natalie: “Being able to care for myself and contribute to my household and society in general. If I’m able to care for my mental health then I am able to function and find enjoyment in everyday life.”
Serani: “To me, positive mental health means maintaining a healthy balance across my social, emotional, physical, spiritual, cultural and work/life balance.”
Natalie and Serani are knocking on doors as part of The ACDC Project in Tingalpa, Hemmant, Bayside Islands, Murarrie, Wynnum West, and Manly West in Queensland. They are our two wonderful people connectors through our delivery partner Stride.