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Why did you want to be a People Connector with the ACDC Project?

Greg: It is an amazing opportunity and unique approach to engage with members of the community.

Mandy: I wanted to be a People Connector with the ACDC Project as it is a fantastic opportunity to be part of such an innovative project.

How have you found door-knocking in Clarence Valley so far?

Greg: We have experienced some challenges. The program began with COVID isolation followed by major flooding in the area. However, we have begun knocking now, and so far, the engagement has been positive.

Mandy: The people I have connected with so far have been friendly and very welcoming receiving information about the project and local services.

What is one of the best things about your job as a People Connector?

Greg: The increased ability to engage with community members who may not typically engage with services and being able to work in such a fantastic location.

Mandy: The best part of being a People Connector is connecting with householders to bring awareness to mental health in the community.

How do you think the ACDC Project will help people in Clarence Valley?

Greg: I hope the data we gather leads to increased funding and service provision across the Clarence Valley.

Mandy: The Clarence Valley will gain so much insight into the needs of the community from this project.