Why did you want to be a People Connector with the ACDC Project? 

Falen: The job description piqued my interest as it is different from what my last role was.  It is a different and exciting project to be a part of.

Siale: I am passionate about my community and am aware of many different issues in it.  I believe it is extremely important to make connections with the community to see what other issues or concerns they may have. Everybody needs to feel a sense of belonging, and I wanted to help foster this in our community.

How have you found door knocking in Mareeba so far?

Falen: So far, I have found door knocking in the community a rewarding experience as many of the community members are welcoming to us and are praising the work that we are doing, they are also happy to share insight into what our community needs.

Siale: I have thoroughly enjoyed it. People have been very inviting and are extremely happy to have conversations. It has also been an interesting process, as those who state they have no issues and are fine are generally the ones that we have been able to gather the most information from.

What is one of the best things about your job as a People Connector?

Falen: Being able to engage in social settings with community members who appreciate the conversations we share with them. So far not only have we been able to talk about health and wellbeing but also have learned a few things as well in our short time of door knocking.

Siale: Getting paid for doing my favourite thing – making connections with the community.

How do you think the ACDC Project will help people in Mareeba?

Falen: I think it gives people some reassurance that there is help available and that someone is listening and documenting concerns that they might have. Gathering that information hopefully means changes will occur to make our community safer and better.

Siale: I think even over this last month we have made a difference – making some connections with the community and being able to get information back to some people on services to access. I am hoping the information gathered will be able to also be fed back into the appropriate channels, and assist in getting more services here in Mareeba, or some help building on the ones we have.

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