The ACDC Team

Meet the ACDC Team

The ACDC Project isn’t just cool because its acronym spells out the name of an iconic Aussie rock band. It is cool because it is a project that is going to help people. A lot of people.

The Assisting Communities through Direct Connection (ACDC) project aims to connect people with the social and emotional well-being support services in their communities. This is a free service and is a way to provide information to people who may not know about what supports they can access.

“ACDC seek to counter a core problem with mental health services in Australia, which is that they wait until someone is in crisis or being pushed into help seeking behaviour. We must be much more proactive in connecting and communicating with people about this very important issue. Prevention and early intervention is far more effective that dealing with crises,” says CEO of Community Mental Health Australia Bill Gye.

Meet the ACDC Team from left to right – Bill Gye (CEO), Hunena Khan (Partnerships & Engagement), James McKechnie (Manager), Ian Bond (Communications).

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