People Connector Capacity Building Report
The People Connector Capacity Building Report captures the individual capacity building of People Connectors who were the backbone of the ACDC Project. Being a People Connector requires unique skills and capabilities to undertake the proactive outreach approach.
At the end of the ACDC project, I realised that listening to people actively, by connecting with them genuinely, fills me with joy and satisfaction. People Connector in Questionnaire
Building the capacity of People Connectors with respect to their knowledge and skills was an intended outcome of the project so as to ensure effective outreach and communication with householders. The report highlights information provided by a questionnaire of People Connectors, skills audits, discussions at community of practice meetings, and a review of feedback mechanisms. A range of individual capacity building outcomes were shown to be obtained through engagement with the ACDC Project, and from discussions with householders. The report also includes feedback from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Connectors or those from diverse cultural groups. All People Connectors revealed how the project has enabled them to increase their capacity to access and disseminate information within their own communities.
“I loved being a part of the ACDC project. I feel it has a lot of potential to do some great things for our local community in the future. I also loved listening to householder’s stories and connecting householders with services.” People Connector in Exit Survey
Author: Julie Millard,
Consultant in Mental Health and Trainer ACDC Project